Wednesday 16 March 2011

Muka Maddi jane sama macam muka aadlingg. But, rambut dia lain. Kan?? :D Suka lagu ni . suka suka suka suka (: hekkk


Okay takdi pergi dinner dengan "kawan" kakak kan? Not bad.And then lepas dinner terus balik.But i'm a little bit dispointed tonight :( Tak perlu laaaa nak eeeeeeeeeee. Benci nya dengar alasan.
Okay watever tak penting.-.- eishh, pelik orang malam ni kan? Malam ni tak banyak sangat bintang.Semalam banyak gila bintang .. Bosan laa hidup. HAHAHAHAHA. Tak laaa hidup behh sekali. Apa merepek ni macam keling. hahhaa. Eh lily keluar takdi dengan taufik :O ramai woohhh hahaha. Kalau la kita ni mcm fairy kan behh. semua boleh buat. Kan???? (: perlu ke tanye sape suke kita?sape yg minat kita?Okay nak main cleverbot! Bye

Big War :/

Wooooooooooo gadoh dengan sweetie. sorry sweetie . i love you , i miss you <3
Seronok laaa dapat macam macam harini. pagi pagi dah kene bangang -.- syokk laa. awwhhhh, hey sweety, I'M SO SORRYY :(. Okay sweety is my boyfrenggggggg. :) okay bye.. i love you sweety.

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Helooo .. now holidays school. Right? Okay now I'm in KL, lived with my sister. Yesterday, we all went swimming. The weather that cold at night..I just wanna say that Esah memang mengade busuk ! -.- The weather that cold at night. many stars scattered across the sky. Very beautiful! errrr -.- I miss Adlin and Hanis. We are always eating chocolate together, sing together at the back of the classroom. hahahaha.
Talked about all the people, if there is a problem, we will talk to each other.My sister called me just now, she told us to take dinner with her ​​friends. Maybe she's special friend :O eish today is a sad day. Just a little ... Okay want to say goodbye.

 i love you <3